Morley Cakes Shop Renovation Begins

Work has started on the decoration of the interior and exterior of our Morley Cakes shop. Work is being carried out by a Leeds painter & decorator company and is expected to be completed by the weekend.

First stages of preparation for the decoration

Preparation Work

We have already taken a moment to test out our “Crafted Cake House blue” which will look much better once the professionals do the work. As we pointed out in our previous blog post, the shop is closed to the public whilst this work is being carried out, but the other side of the shop is clear for people to still come in to pick up their cakes.

Our cakes display in the window has been taken down and everything has been removed. In the next few weeks a brand new display of our latest cakes and other items will be placed in a new display in our main windows. Definitely something worth looking out for when it is ready!

The old Board to Tiers sign being taken down

Exterior Cake Shop Sign & Windows

Already work is being carried out to prepare for the painting of the exterior of our Morley cakes shop. The old Board to Tiers sign is going to be replaced with a colourful sign for the Crafted Cake House. The first job has been to remove the old sign and to clean up the wood on the windows in preparation for painting. The sign will be painted in our Crafted Cake House blue, before being handed over to the sign writers to put up our brand spanking new shop sign. We are especially looking forwards to that part of the job and cannot wait to see the new cake shop sign in all of it’s glory. We hope you will like it when it is up.

The Crafted Cake House will update you about the progress of the shops new look over the coming weeks. It is certainly a big job, but so far the decorators made progress on the work and we have moved our cake creating work into the back. The draw back to doing our work in the back is that you won’t be able to pass by and watch us as we work, but don’t worry, as soon as the work is complete, we will return to the front of the shop and you can continue to watch us whilst we work as usual. For more updates follow us on Instagram and on Facebook.



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