Morley Cakes Shop Sign & Updates

Morley Cakes Shop Sign

It has been all go in our Morley cakes shop with us working hard to get everything ready for the official launch of the crafts shop that will accompany our cakes shop, for June 4th 2021, and on Tuesday we were excited to see our shop sign go up so people now know we are here.

After initial delays and setbacks from our painter & decorators Superior Decorators Limited, which has meant we have had to spend extra time tidying up and cleaning paint from windows and lighting, we have been able to allow work to begin on getting everything else sorted. We are pleased to report that our flooring is now complete and was carried out to a very high standard, and faster than expected! A big shout out to Lyndon who’s company L and K 15 have really gone above and beyond to get the whole refurbishment project back on track. 

Lyndon of L and K 15
Lyndon of L and K 15

We have been impressed by the quality of the flooring job and the all important finish. L and K 15 will also taking care of  fitting our shop displays. And even though the flooring was a big job, it has been carried out with minimal disruption to business. 

We can’t wait for our customers to get to see the new look Morley cakes and crafts shop, and hope you will love the flooring as much as we do!

New Shop Sign in Morley

This week has also seen a brand new look outside on Morley Bottoms as we have had our sign fitted, and it really stands out and we hope brightens the place up. The idea behind the sign is to show our fun and creative side, and it has already become a bit of a talking point and we have had a lot of positive feedback from passers by.

Our New Shop Sign in Morley Bottoms

Also if you are walking past the shop, you will notice Lyndon from L and K 15 taking care of the fixtures and fittings. He has been hard at work again doing a great job on our shelving that will play host to the crafts we will have on sale from our June 4th official launch date. 

The final part of the renovation will be our window displays and of course stocking the shelves full of exciting and interesting crafted items, giving Queen Street in Morley another shop you’ll want to visit.



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